ShErYl YoNg.
a fan of 刘力扬
EgG CrAcK=29 JuLy
title: please put me before thy todae we had to stay back for GB. Guess what? it was a terrible thing for me!! during the drill,cause i got soo confused by all the steps that i was like kinda odd. It is really odd. I was extremely awakard lah!! When all the people turn to the front i was like turning to the side. I was the only one that did this mistake.Others,needless to say,were perfect!! I feel so sorry for implicated the whole group in repeating the whole process just because of me. I am simply just an amatuer at these...Drills are not my speciality.How i wish i can get a transfer! To drama,choir,badmintonetc...something that i enjoy doing!!But no uniformed group please!!;0 I abominates it! God saves my soul! i can't survive anymore in GB!!
title: These are all suffocating me!! Awww..todae was a terrible day!!-although it is my birthday!!haha!!-presents pouring in!!:)
Firstly,we have PE lesson and we play rugby! student A:"hey!!pass the ball to me!!" student B:"ok! look out!" and guess what happen next? ~Don't worrry its isn't anything bad lah~ I was caught(tap by the ball on my shoulder),and of course,needless to say i was disqualified....-.- and vanessa was like lets have a marching band and everyone-those disqualified ones- begin to march across the court. We were interupting the game but we just to do it because we can't find anything else to kill the boredom*** After recess,we have our maths lesson with mr lim. His lessons are like sooooo boring lah! He just stand there blabbering all the way and even if we don't understand,he did not even bother to ask us. How i wish we can have mrs khoo back!! After all, she has taught in SMSS for 30 years already so she really knows what type of teaching method really suits us!!---the hyper-active class!!1E3! All the way!!lol! oh then during eng lesson we play the furniture game.It was terribly FUN!! i want to play it again tmr!!hope Mrs leong allows!!When trishna was being picked to go up,everyone was like racking their brains and thinking who has she thought of?? In the end,she just chose radomnly..(did i spell it correctly??) after eng, it was common test!! END OF THE WORLD!! i did not expect the IH test to be soo tough lor! When i just browse through the questions,i was dumdfounded.i wonder how do i survive in this 40 mins!! HOPE THAT I CAN SCORE WELL FOR THE IH TEST!! ok todae,i posted a long post....hope that i can go out tmr:) teehee!-to the movies! |
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title: ii am FeElINg..kinda weird cheryl cant go with me n kasturi to the movies already!! i am soo sad! aww... i was thinking:"next week is gonna be a boring week!" n when i thought of the movie trip -and it really comfort me when i thought of the fun that we are going to have.I decided tat i will just have to endure all the hardships and time will just files past and the DAY will arrive. But now...i dont think there is anything 4 me to anticipate for already...
NOw hearing jade liu singing 'kiss goodbye' It is a nice song n the soothing tune really makes those ppl whose is caught in the current suitation like me to feel good.. the lyrics goes like this: "每一次和你分开,就深深被你打败。每一次放弃你的温柔;倔强,难以释怀。 挫折的眼泪不能测试爱的重量。付出的爱收不回,还欠你的我不能给。" |
title: pictures of LIU LI YANG! |
title: pictures of LIU LI YANG! |
title: pictures of LIU LI YANG! |
title: pictures of joy! |
title: pictures of you! |
title: pictures of you! |
title: pictures of joy! |
title: pictures of joy! |
title: pictures of you! |
title: pictures of you! |
title: pictures of joy! |
title: Last Words yippee! The Trinity oral examination is over! ThAnKs alot,ruo han for lending me liu li yang's (刘力扬)album!When i show the examiner jade liu's signature,she was like ' wow!i can see that you are a no.1 fan of her!'
And of course,needless to say,i am an no.1 fan of her! Hope that her new album will debut soon or else i wont be getting it for my birthday!! Oh ya,speaking of birthday,that reminds me of ^-^sheryl lim's birthday which is on the 21st of july.<3<3 Happy Birthday,sweetheart.!!err..actually i am not that close to her..should not have use this term...but nvm..since i am in a good mood,i shall use the term sweetheart today! aww...next tues we need to wear enthic costumes!!ThAt will be a dready day for me.Our school demand a fusion n is like i am not even intending to wear a costume,let alone the fusion part.I will look terrible;horrible;vegetable in the costume that I AM GOING TO WEAR! I will be boarding the bus and i will be 100% sure that everyone eyes will be staring at me. Inside them they will be thinking:'what is this freak wearing!' I will be then too nervous to think of anything cause of that cold,shrilling feeling that i have gotten from the people around me!-.-'' |
title: jia you! |
title: you are all along inside me |
title: can you? ![]() how should i solved this nerve-cracking problem? How can i collected $100 within 2 weeks?! My mum said that the GB company should not be asking such an amount cause they possibly think that,we,the GB girls would be able to collect more than $100 from the church that we attend. However, how about those who are non-christan? They would not be able to collect such an excessive amount of money within 2 weeks!! They can at least extend the period of the collection till the end of national day!(at least we will be able to bargain and collect money from our relatives..) hmmm....how should i solve this problem??HOW?HOW?HOW? at first i wanted to go back to our primary school and ask if any kind-hearted soul will wish to donate money.But i doubt anyone will do that cause every GB company in SG is doing this fund raising thing.*sigh* |
title: my mind is being flooded with pictures of you ![]() pictures of michael jackson can be seen on the television nowadays.Alot of people must be grieving over his death.He abandoned everything he has and went to heaven...his money;wealth,family,kins,friends and most importantly his FANS! Can't believe that his fans are lighting up candles;puting up posters of him on the street to express the loss of idol. I wonder how Michael Jackson has gained such popularity over the past few years he live. His album was such a hit,and the amount of it being sold is an inarticulated expression! The record has since been held for these past few years,waiting for other pop singers in the industry to break it.however,no one of course broke it. |
title: endurence ![]() time files soo fast! It was like 3 hrs since i posted something.(and i haven done anything meaningful yet) hah ya...*sigh*..why time files soo fast?How i wish i got a machine thats allow time to remain stagnant..(you must be thinking that it is ridiculous right?well that's true!) aww..i still haven recovered from my illness.Headache...wobble limbs..etc I must raise at least $100 for my GB fortnight event! No one wants to donate....*sad* This proves that singaporeans are selfish hinds! jUsT jOkInG! wonder if today there is alot of homework in school??I hope not.. Someone must donate to help me to raise $100!!money money come please!!hmm...i must be soo desperate. gtg, you ppl must help me to raise money!! **hint**=29 july is going to be here! REMEMBER i was on this world since that day first begun...!! |
title: let peace in,let life out no school for me today!yippee!however i am resting at home because of a throbbing headache...-.-it hurts quite alot and i felt my head spinning and i was soon broke out in cold sweat.
My wobble limbs made me laze around on my bed,(did not want to get up that early though),but in the end i still got up because it was getting pretty late. oh no my mum is back got to go!! see ya! |
title: a saddist i have soo much homework waiting for me to be done. English,science,mother tongue,D&Tetc..
someone pls help me!! I am going to suffocate! save my soul,oh god! Tmr will be GB day n i will have to wear our GB uniform to school. I will still have to wear the GB boots! awwww...There is cut on my leg*ouch* n i cant even walk properly!!let alone wearing the boots! i am still deciding weather or not should i wear my boots...maybe should i wear sandals instead of the boots? But i will look awakard that suit. what should i do? ADVICE PLEASE! |
title: the taste in sweetness ![]() when is jade's album going to be released??i am already so anticipated for it and my friends say tat they can get me liu li yang's album if i want!(*sooo sweet of them*) Thanks alot if u are really getting me jade liu's album!But what if jade debuts her album after 29 july!!?? awww,it is such a pity!life isn't fair!hah ya,next week we still have our trinity oral examination! Must go and prepared NOW! OUCH!My ears hurt!(my sis is playing on her recorder again!) once again,thank you my friends for being sooo sweet to me! |
title: 你可靠吗? |
title: 我就是这样 我就是这样 天马行空的磁场
或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 摊开的手掌 柔软又刚强 (十指纤长 指尖藏着一股力量) 安静的目光 温柔却也狂放 (眼神明亮 有好多话想对你讲) 我独特的模样 是全新的信仰 我就是这样 天马行空的磁场 或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 RAP(tank): 你不会躲在 不长不短的裙摆 耍无赖太依赖 都不符合你的心态 乖乖早过了时代 怪怪才有人青睐 不需要表态 让大家慢慢猜 既古代又现代 爱HIP HOP也爱李白 是女孩像男孩 这次出场注定精彩 我嗅到英雄神采 我瞄到美人姿态 多变的节拍 接下来该是你拽 诗人的滥觞 刻板的印象 (没有文字 足以介绍你的出场) 你爱晒太阳 我赏我的月亮 (井水河水 各自徜徉各的海洋 ) 想发出一道光 让世间不平凡 我就是这样 天马行空的磁场 或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 温柔 倔强 勇敢 都是我 我拥有太多 不同基因 安静 吵闹 沉默 都是我 分钟 不同的颜色 |
title: 煎熬的一天 |
title: 我的眼泪终于笑了 比想象中更痛 你真的没回头
我命令眼泪不许失控 回忆不跟你走 都挤在我心中 我就有责任让它值得被珍重 谢谢你曾让我难过 谢谢我没有想太多 当爱情左盼右顾的时候 我眼泪都笑了 谁还想哭呢 再勇敢的站着 找回光和热 面对你的时候 我不会舍不得 因为你已是过客 因为路有些曲折 是美的 心碎成了沙漠 就快开凿绿洲 我没有时间不知所措 你温柔的双手 本就不属于我 又何必在乎它以后属于谁呢 谢谢你曾让我难过 谢谢我没有想太多 当爱情左盼右顾的时候 我眼泪都笑了 谁还想哭呢 再勇敢的站着 找回光和热 面对你的时候 我不会舍不得 因为你已是过客 因为路有些曲折 你眼泪都笑了 谁还会哭呢 来不及完美的 就唱首骊歌 想起你的时候 我不是卑微的 反而我没有遗憾 因为我已爱过你 深深的 |
title: 我一个人过,就很好。 |
title: 栗子们!刘力扬,加油! |
title: 老师,再见了! |
title: 人生最后一堂课。 |