ShErYl YoNg.
a fan of 刘力扬
EgG CrAcK=29 JuLy
title: please put me before thy todae we had to stay back for GB. Guess what? it was a terrible thing for me!! during the drill,cause i got soo confused by all the steps that i was like kinda odd. It is really odd. I was extremely awakard lah!! When all the people turn to the front i was like turning to the side. I was the only one that did this mistake.Others,needless to say,were perfect!! I feel so sorry for implicated the whole group in repeating the whole process just because of me. I am simply just an amatuer at these...Drills are not my speciality.How i wish i can get a transfer! To drama,choir,badmintonetc...something that i enjoy doing!!But no uniformed group please!!;0 I abominates it! God saves my soul! i can't survive anymore in GB!!